Unsplash.com is very large website which holds thousands of pictures
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Access 2,821,668 free, high-resolution photos you can’t find anywhere elseThis Website was created in almost 2013
Over 2 million free high-resolution images brought to you by the world’s most generous community of photographers.
Is it really free? Yes.
Unsplash is a platform powered by an amazing community that has gifted hundreds of thousands of their own photos to fuel creativity around the world. So sign up for free, or don’t. Either way, you’ve got access to over a million photos under the Unsplash license—which makes them free to do-whatever-you-want with.
Anyone can join the Unsplash community
You don’t need to know someone, or have an agent, or have a name to contribute to Unsplash. It is the place where creators meet their audience, where individuals become a community and where anyone can become a source for creativity.
Available Categories Of images :
- Cool Wallpapers
- Cute Wallpapers
- iPhone Wallpapers
- Desktop Wallpapers
- Christmas Wallpapers
- Tumblr Wallpapers
- Black Wallpapers
- Galaxy Wallpapers
Popular Searches in the Website :
- Public domain images
- Free stock photos
- Creative Commons images
- PNG images
- Free images
- Beach pictures
- Love pictures
- Backgrounds
Award Contest:
Unsplash also have a Awards Contest which Includes 10 categories which are
Architecture, Current Events, Experimental, Fashion, Film, Health & Wellness, Interiors, Nature, People, Street Photography, Community Photo of 2020.
How to participate In Contest:
- Select the category you’d like to participate in, and click Submit.
- You can either submit a new photo or choose a photo from your library.
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